Lardie Company
About Us


Pat Goes to the Gym
Pat, the owner of a Honda auto repair shop, faced a dilemma that is common with many small business owners. Under the best of circumstances, by the time he received his financial statements from his bookkeeper, the information was at least 45 days old. They were also doing many bookkeeping tasks manually and duplicating efforts in recording information, reconciling errors on weekends.

By setting up his books on-line with QuickBooks, the financial information is now entered daily, and at any moment Pat can see exaclty where he stands with cash flow and profits. He pays his vendors on-line reducing the time spent on mundane, repetitious tasks. He can access his financial information and manage cash flow while traveling or from home. In case of employee turnover we are able to pick up the slack with data entry remotely, while he hires and trains a new employee. In short, his time is now spent on building his business, servicing his customers, and enjoying the information at his fingertips. And he never misses a work-out.

Fashion Drapery Hangs Its Old System Out to Dry
Fashion Drapery has been in the business of custom window coverings for decades, and the bookkeeping system was outdated and inefficient. When a new manager came on the scene, it presented an opportunity to update the accounting, and create a system that would utilize the talents and experience of a retired family member.

Creating a custom accounting system in QuickBooks, the manager was trained to manage the billing and cash flow. A retired family member, with years of bank experience, was trained to do the data entry and reconciliations, happily working part-time from her home office. The client is now focusing on marketing and growth rather than shuffling paper on the weekends. By utilizing the unique resources available, his business now works for him rather than vice versa – and the owner is able to take much needed vacations.

Brad Goes to Europe and Still Pays His Bills
After years of managing his own restaurant Brad sold the business and went on the road to research the cookbook he had wanted to write for a long time. The problem was how to manage his finances while traveling.

We set him up with online accounting, bill pay and banking. He was able to travel for months and still manage his finances from his laptop. We entered the bills and deposits while he managed the cash flow and paid the bills. Outsourced accounting and accounting on-line created another happy camper.